
Worry-Free Purchase

Saving the planet, one order at a time

Project Spotlight

Methane Gas Capture and Electricity Production at Kubratovo Wastewater Treatment Plant

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Project Type: Biogas
Standard: Gold Standard Verified Carbon Reduction
Project Number: GS4238
Project Description: The Kubratovo wastewater treatment plant project captures methane for electricity and heat production, reducing grid electricity purchases and fossil fuel use, with excess power supplied to the grid. The initiative upgrades the plant's sludge treatment process to mirror Western Europe's best practices, cutting methane emissions and halving sludge volume to decrease transport-related GHG emissions. This environmentally-friendly approach aims to reduce annual emissions by approximately 61,000 tonnes of CO2e per year.

How Seel offsets carbon emissions

When you purchase Worry-Free Purchase, Seel uses the fee to purchase Carbon Credits and offset the carbon emitted during the delivery of your order.

Seel takes multiple factors into consideration when calculating the carbon emitted during a delivery.  These can include:

Item Weight
Warehouse Location
Delivery Address
Packaging Materials
Delivery Method

Seel then purchases QAS Approved carbon credits that fund projects all over the world ranging from methane capture & wind power to reforestation to clean water and improved cook tops.

The QAS independently audits carbon offset products and programs against the highest standards world-wide. All applications must meet a 40 point checklist and satisfy the auditors that these high standards continue to be met on an annual ongoing basis.

About the Portfolio

Our portfolio is designed to empower businesses in their journey towards carbon neutrality. Every project we support is meticulously selected from top-tier international carbon reduction initiatives, many of which go beyond just offsetting emissions. In developing countries, these projects often play a transformative role by bolstering biodiversity, advancing education, creating jobs, ensuring food security, providing clean drinking water, and enhancing health and well-being. Upholding the highest standards of quality and authenticity, each project within our portfolio is backed by the Gold Standard Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certified credits.

Over the past six months, Seel has offset 250,000+ kilograms of carbon emissions.

Last Updated: January 2024